Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fact. Fiction. Fantasy.

3 different words but for me they all define my sex life. There is plenty truth to my life behind closed doors. A lot of false stories because many think they know about me but really have no idea and well no sex life is exciting with out Fantasy. My Stories and My Ideas are not an outline to upcoming erotic novel, it is simply My Life.

I'm still new to exposing who I am so let me ease in at my own pace if you don't mind. But if you are going to sit around and read all about my life, I would like to know a little about you if you don't mind.

Fact: I'm never completely satisfied
Fiction: I like to be in control in the bedroom.
Fantasy: Lights, Camera, Action.

YOUR TURN: Fact? Fiction? Fantasy?


Don said...

Did I ever tell you how much I appreciate your blog?

Fact: I've had my fair share of 3somes. I once had sex from 1AM to about 4PM that evening.

Fiction:I can pretty much look in a woman's eyes and tell when she isn't being satisfied.

Fantasy: no more fantasies for me. Not really.

Ms. Noire Chatte said...

1am to 4pm Interesting. Very Interesting. Did you need a blue pill or just a red bull? :)

Don said...

Um, I took an ecstacy pill and slipped her one in her Absolut. When I say we fucked, trust me, we FUCKED.

That's whats up...